The David Politis Company | Do NOT Give Up; Stick with It; Push Forward; You Can Succeed!
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Do NOT Give Up; Stick with It; Push Forward; You Can Succeed!

26 Aug Do NOT Give Up; Stick with It; Push Forward; You Can Succeed!

Young para-athlete with a “Running Blade” running a race in a downpour.

Young para-athlete with a “Running Blade” running a race in a downpour.


I do not know the original source for this amazing photo as I only found it early this morning on the LinkedIn “feed” of David Louis Spagnuolo, serial entrepreneur, private investor, Chairman of, and CEO of (And I’m hoping to hear back soon from Mr. Spagnuolo soon to learn the rest of the story behind this photo.)

But in the meantime, my feelings are tender and my thoughts lifted upward by the incredible message communicated by this image, namely

  • Whatever your place in life . . .
  • regardless of the conditions confronting you at this very moment . . .
  • notwithstanding the insurmountable odds facing you . . .

Please, please, please do NOT give up!

  1. Press on.
  2. Fight ahead.
  3. Take one more stride.
  4. Grip a little harder at the hand at your side if need be.

But please know that friends seen and unseen are pulling for you, are championing your cause, and cheering you onward and upward.

“. . . you are not beaten until you refuse to try again . . .”

And though the obstacles may seem too great, you CAN win. You CAN come off the victor!

So if you get knocked down, please get back up, and try again.

And if you get smacked down again, please struggle back to your feet, and try yet again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and 1,000 “again’s” if necessary.

For remember, you are not beaten until you refuse to try again, until you choose to not rise back up to face the battle one more time.

So . . . to this young man, whoever you may be, I say,

“Thank You, Thank You, Thank You (from the deepest and most tender part of my heart) for being such an awesome example to me. I salute you (and your fellow runner) for all that you are and represent.”

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  • Kim Baltz
    Posted at 08:05h, 03 April Reply

    Ben Baltz is his name! He was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 6. He is due to graduate from high school at the end of May. I am his mom and ran across your website as I was looking for an image of a prosthetic limb for a scholarship application. We have truly been blessed with ben’s determination to face challenges and live life to the fullest!

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